The Catenians Chichester Circle
We are an association of Catholic men who are committed to our faith, to our families, to those in need and to each other. Our primary purpose is to establish a network of friends, which enhances family life, strengthens our faith and sustains us through difficult times.
The Catenians' Chichester Circle meet monthly, at 7pm on the second Wednesday of the month (except July & December), and after our meeting, we all dine together. Dress: Jacket and tie. Parking is barrier controlled with 2 hours free. Retain entry ticket for exit. |
The Chichester Circle of the Catenian Association was formed in May 1951, and its founding President David O’Connell, is the artist whose striking cubist paintings can be seen at St Richard's today.
If you are a Catholic man and are considering becoming a member, then please sign up via the Sussex Catenians' website. |